Sunday, June 10, 2012

Are you "Fit?"

There are a few things that I absolutely love.... 1) Cheese 2) Pizza and 3) Gadgets.

I already made some posts with cheese and pizza, however I haven't posted a new gadget in a while! It was time!

I am always looking for new ways to make fitness fun and motivating and I found something that will do just that. Somehow I came across a product mentioned on a famous weight loss show that had mediocre reviews. I started doing more research and found the FitBit. The FitBit is a pedometer, but a lot smarter.

You can find all the information on

This little gadget, which is supposed to be worn all the time is about the size of USB stick. You can even wear it during your sleep and it monitors your sleep efficiency by telling you how long it took you to fall asleep and how many times you woke up that evening.
You clip it on and go and magically syncs wirelessly with your computer (if you are in range) every 15 minutes.

I've worn it for 3 days now and it is quite enlightening. The first day I just wanted to get a baseline and wow, on lazy days at home I don't move much. I've now worn it for two more days and because it tells me how many steps I take - I find myself taking more steps! I also can't believe how many times I wake up a night.

I've increased my steps by at least 5000 steps.

Today, I actually think I will make it to the 10,000 step goal.

You can enter your calorie intake on FitBit itself or you can sync with FitnessPal (iphone app), where you can enter your food and exercise and it will tell you the calorie deficits. I can figure out my intake and how much I've burned in order to meet my weight loss and activity goals. Love it!

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