Monday, April 2, 2012

Tipping the Scales? Not Any More....

Another new gadget that I purchased this weekend... somewhat on a whim was a kitchen scale. I had been thinking about getting one for awhile but just hadn't jumped on the band wagon. However with my renewed focused on health on weight loss goals I decided now was the time.

Storage space in my kitchen? That still remains an issue that I will continue to ignore for now ....

This handy scale, the Perfect Portions Digital Scale + Nutrition Facts Display, can be purchased here on Amazon. This stylish, relatively small scale was ready to use right out of the box.
I literally took it out of the box, removed the plastic insert that protects the batteries and was able to use immediately without reading the directions. I found it to be fairly intuitive.

It was nice to know how many ounces of chili I was eating. Then I measured out the amount of cheese I was using as a topping. Usually when I enter my meals into Weight Watchers for point values, I estimate so this was fantastic!
What have I been missing out on by not having a scale?! More like, how inaccurate were my WW points values?

This particular scale also has the ability to give nutritional informational on certain foods (by entering the food code) based on how much that food weighs. I haven't tried this yet, but this seems like a neat feature.

Has anyone used kitchen scales? What are your thoughts on them? Are they necessary for successful weight loss?

1 comment:

  1. I guess kitchen scales make the scales fall from your eyes and you see more clearly what you are eating!
